Copywriting and Design Services

Among the many things for which I am grateful this year, I rank running my own business near the top of the list. Research Publications, Inc., which I founded in 1994, provides marketing, public relations, and editorial services to a wide range of companies and industries, including MetLife, Inc., USA Today, Modern Luxury, Gaiam Publications, Soul Shine,, Design Done Right, and Indraloka Animal Sanctuary.

Research Publications works with top designers and graphic artists to create websites, newsletters, brochures, editorial, and advertorial. We write speeches, ad copy, press releases, poems. At Research Publications, we have a way with words.

For new and returning clients, half-hour consultations are free. Volume and repeat work discounts are offered. Call us today to see how Research Publications, Inc. can help your business achieve its goals: 415-279-0777.

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My blog, Wandering Lotus, publishes travel, health, and writing tips.