Temple in the Cave

Heights: the only thing that scares me more is darkness. And tiny, pitch-black caves leave me unable to breathe.

Yet I followed Dinesh into such a cave. He had my Walkabout Travel Gear pocket flashlight, which at the size of a credit card is snazzy and easy to pack, but it doesn’t pack much punch as far lighting goes. It was powerful enough, though, to allow me to take a photo of the altar inside the cave.

A Buddhist monk lives and worships in the cave. At least I think that’s what Dinesh said. My comprehension level is hovering somewhere around 45%. The monk wasn’t home when I visited.

I had to crawl on my hands and knees for about four minutes to reach the altar. Four minutes in darkness, in a cave, in India with a guy I don’t know, felt like a long time.

File this under things I never would have done when I lived in New York and had some sense.

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