Vegan Kitchen Sink Cookies

Guest post by Darice Pauselius, artist, mother, and vegan.

Vegan Kitchen Sink Cookies

They say variety is the spice of life, in this case it’s the key to one of my favorite cookies: vegan kitchen sink cookies. These little darlings have been tested out on the toughest non-vegan crowds and always leave folks amazed that they require no animal products. Perhaps they thought bacon was the secret ingredient? (I usually wait to tell ’em the cookies are vegan until after they start raving – adding that they are also cholesterol free. Nice perk, huh?)

As a cookie lover – and dipper – I have very specific criteria for a good cookie: they must first and foremost be absorbent but not dry. Second, they need to taste better with age. I’m talking a few days – these are cookies, after all. Third, they shouldn’t be too sweet. I try to limit sugar intake for overall health and have become accustomed to semi-sweet treats. Feel free to alter the recipe to suit your taste, this recipe is very forgiving.

So, on to the goods. All of the ingredients are relatively easy to find at your local health food store, or larger chains with a decent natural section.

Vegan Kitchen Sink Cookies

Start to Finish: 30 minutes / Yield: 4-5 dozen cookies Ingredients:

1-1/2 cups vegetable shortening (non-hydrogenated)
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 tablespoons molasses
5 tablespoons ground flax seed mixed with 6 teaspoons water
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1-1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 baking soda (aluminum free)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Directions: Preheat oven to 350° In a small bowl, blend shortening and sugar. Add and mix in molasses and flax/water. In a separate larger bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients by carefully folding them together. Fold in the wet mixture until a consistent dough is achieved. (Hands work well here!) Spoon/roll dough into 11⁄2 in. balls and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 min. until cookies are golden and lightly cracked on top. Cool and serve.

Notes: If you use two or more baking pans at a time, be sure to rotate them half way through baking.

I’ll be making a few batches throughout the holiday season along with some other great cookies that don’t require eggs or dairy. Here’s to your cookie celebrations great and small. May they inspire a healthier, more compassionate future for your family and friends!

Darice is a Pennsylvania native with a love of drop cookies, sustainable living, and local shopping. She can be found at IndiePA and TwoHandsCreative.


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